EM & Co presents Octavio Carlin Atelier - Now Open!
From: Eveline @ Em & Co
Octavio Carlin Atelier - Now Open!
EM & Co presents
Octavio Carlin Atelier
We introduced this local designer last year, and have been following his progress over the last year... He has great jersey dresses and a few day-into-night pieces that are easy to slip on, and easy on the pocket-book...and more dressy pieces that could be worn on the red carpet. And he can also alter pieces and custom design something for you. We like him!
Octavio just opened a boutique in West Hollywood, on Kings Road, just off Beverly Blvd. Stop by to see his summer collection. Mention EM & Co and get a 15% friends & family discount.
The invite-only Grand Opening party is on September 27. Email Em & Co. at emblem.rsvp@yahoo.com to be added to the guest list.
Have a great rest of the summer!
Octavio Carlin Atelier address:
309 Kings Road, Los Angeles, CA 90048 (off Beverly Blvd.)
323.782.0833 | www.octaviocarlin.com
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